Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Little Dotting

Just a nice simple dotting manicure.  I picked up the blue last summer and I hadn't worn it till now.  It's actually a rather nice color.  A good, deep blue color.  Navy I would call it.  I haven't done much other than wear plain colors, that stamping manicure from last week was the first nail art I'd done in a month.

For my base I used two coats of China Glaze First Mate.  It's almost a one-coater but I went with two out of habit.  I then added dots of Zoya Ziv in a very simple pattern.  I'm not usually one for gold but I bought Ziv on a whim during their recent promotion.  I'm glad I did, navy and gold go very well together.

Psst - the winner of my Darling Nails Thank You giveaway was announced this morning here.


  1. Very cute! Navy and gold do go great together!

  2. I love that you used Ziv. It gives it a nice texture.
