Friday, November 23, 2012

National Family Caregivers Month

November is National Family Caregivers Month.  Every disease is difference, but the selfless dedication of those who provide care to their family members is not.  For Alzheimer's Disease alone, there are 15 million unpaid daughters, sons, husbands, wives, and grandchildren who provide care to more than 5 million American's living with the disease.  To all the caregivers, thank you for all that you do.

For this manicure I'm wearing two coats of China Glaze Gothic Lolita and my accent nail has two coats of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Lively Lilac.  The nails are then stamped with the opposite color using Bundle Monster plate BM-321.

Alzheimer's is represented by the color purple.  There are currently five FDA-approved Alzheimer's drugs that treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's; temporarily helping memory and thinking problems in about half of the people who take them.  These drugs do not treat the underlying causes of Alzheimer's.

There is no cure.  There is no chance for remission.

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