Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 11: St. Patrick's Day Manicure

The challenge for week eleven was St. Patrick's Day.  Wow, I can't believe it's already March and St. Patrick's Day is nearly upon us.  I feel like time is just rushing by too quickly.  I haven't been feeling much like clovers, Langerhans, or pots of gold so I was a bit unsure of what to paint my nails.  I ended up going up with a basic green water marble.  I really like water marbling and should do it more often.

I suffered a break on my ring finger and it looks very sad in these photos.  Looks like my left hand will be making appearances for a while until my fingernail grows out.

For this I painted my nails a base color of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Whirlwind White.  I alternated drops of Zoya Shawn, China Glaze Cha Cha Cha, and Whirlwind White.  I love how my pinky and middle finger turned out!

Be sure to check out what others have done for this challenge by visiting their blogs:

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